Friday, July 31, 2015

Hey, "Black Lives Matter" supporters, you're doing it wrong.

I’m here to tell the “Black Lives Matter” crowd that they’re not doing it right.

When you rudely interrupt and basically heckle your own people (Democratic presidential hopefuls Martin O'Malley and Sen. Bernie Sanders) at a function, you’re doing yourselves no favors. (Why attack the very people who care about your cause? The Democrats are your people! They're the one you WANT in office. Why would you do this to your own candidates???)

 When one of the presidential hopefuls says “all lives matter” in response to your screaming “black lives matter”, you start a shit storm. This isn’t helping your cause.

When your own ex-governor and ex-mayor, O'Malley, feels so bullied and pressured to not offend your rude self that he is then forced to apologize for saying all lives matter, you’ve LOST your cause.

Presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley took the spineless, gutless, hope-I-don't-offend-anyone, way out by backpedaling on his response that all lives matter and then actually apologized. He just sealed his fate and will never be president. Good job BLM'ers. He might have helped your cause if you hadn't just ruined his chance to be president. After all, he was Governor of Maryland, from 2007 to 2015. Prior to being elected as Governor, he served as the Mayor of Baltimore from 1999 to 2007. As Mayor of Baltimore, he restored voting rights to 42,000 convicted felons. He also empowered citizen-review boards by police and said that they should be funded to allow for independent detectives to investigate officers.


If the BLMer's goal is to alienate themselves even further, then good job. If their goal was to create even more racism towards black people, they can now check that off their list (see comments below for proof). If their aim is to just make headlines, raise hell, and accomplish nothing positive, then they can all go home now because their job is done.

The BLMer's will argue that by saying all lives matter in response to their slogan, we are missing the point. They say we just don’t get it if we believe that all lives matter. They say that by including everyone, by making everyone’s life important, it somehow dilutes the fact that black lives matter. Here is how they say O'Malley (and all white people) should have answered.

It wasn’t that the BLM people just interrupted the meeting by shouting their slogan. No, they actually demanded that the men on stage (Bernie Sanders was there also) say the names of three black women who died after a run-in with police. HOW ARROGANT! You demand? Who are you?

They then demanded the impossible; after the ringleader of the protesters was invited on stage (big mistake), she demanded to know what they planned on doing to “dismantle institutional racism”.

(Doesn't she look proud of herself?)

Really? You people really think that ANYONE has a clue how to do that? You really think that either of these men have a Hail Mary plan on how to undo hundreds of years of racism? Racism that you are now perpetuating by disregarding the lives of other people of color? You think being rude and arrogant bullies is going to help the situation?

Or was your real agenda to embarrass these men and get your picture in the papers? Mission Accomplished. But you didn’t really accomplish anything, did you? You got an old, white man to apologize for thinking that all lives are precious. Good job. You’ve accomplished nothing.

Do you want to really affect change and get people of all colors to back your agenda? Do you REALLY want change? Do you REALLY want all races to respect black lives and deem them as important as the lives of other races? Then add one little word to your slogan. That word is “too”.

“Black Lives Matter Too”. By adding one little word, you include everyone, instead of deeming your lives somehow more important by denigrating everyone who dares to include every life. By adding the word “too”, you show that your lives are JUST as important as anyone else’s instead of the only lives that matter, excluding all other races. It  would illustrate that you believe, while all lives matter, black lives should matter too. This is a cause that I think everyone would get behind.

But instead, you’re obnoxious, rude, exclusive, and racist. Yes, YOU are the racists. And you’re ruining your cause, which would lead one to believe that you have a hidden agenda. You don’t REALLY want black lives to matter, or else you would start in your own neighborhoods, with your own black-on-black crime. And unwanted pregnancies. And lack of education.

But instead you run around with your little signs and think you’ve accomplished something because you forced a white man apologize. You didn’t actually change his beliefs. In fact you probably made him a little more racist than he was when he woke up that morning. Good job!

These are just a few comments from this story as it makes it's way around  the Interrnets  I tried to find some that actually helped the BLM cause, but there were none. Just page after page of comments like these (Poor grammar and spelling have not been corrected. I cut and pasted them just as they appeared) :

 As a black person, I think this debate is some b-s. All lives DO MATTER and I find it RIDICULOUS that O'Malley had to apologize for a true statement.  And, I find it equally ridiculous that Black Lives Matter only means when a black person is being violated by a member of another race and not when a black person is being violated by another black person.  Most violence against blacks will be due to black on black violence.  We can get up in arms over police brutality, but we sit on the sidelines when black on black violence happens.  I'm just fed up with the hypocrisy.  If you want Black lives to truly matter ---start at home! And stop the double standard.

 i'm a strong supporter of blacks who feel they should speak up against police brutality towards blacks. having grown up in nyc and thus witnessing this first hand, i've always stood behind them when it came to this cause. However, when someone says "all lives matter" and you say no, demanding an apology as if the person said something wrong... you become my enemy because unlike you black folks, i actually believe that ALL lives matter. I’m done supporting ya'll until you come back and apologize for only believing otherwise.

 Whatever the protesters' (hecklers'?) intentions, you don't paint yourself in a positive light booing someone for saying that all lives matter.

  I'm sorry, but when we are not allowed to say "All Lives Matter" and only "Black Lives Matter", you are saying my life doesn't matter. I cannot support your 'movement' when you are saying my life doesn't matter.

 If black lives really matter then stop glorifying rap culture which calls on violence, drugs and other nonsense

 Considering that 90% of all blacks that are murdered are killed by other black people, it seems that those shouting "Black Lives Matter" should be turning that anger on those in their own communities.  If they showed that much passion while protesting in the inner cities against the gangs, maybe they would be able to get those numbers down...

 The other side of the equation is black lives matter to whom? Lets look at how blacks are killed and who kills them. Until black lives matter to themselves , no slogans will make any difference.

 I'm really sick of being demonized because I'm white. If no group should be judged on the actions of a few members, why is it whites are so easily lumped into the "uncaring, rotten, prejudiced" group? Sanders is right, as important as the black lives movement is, all lives matter. It's not like he was being oppressive or cruel. But stating the truth is becoming more and more difficult.

 They are perfectly able to proclaim that black lives matter. They should not, however, demean someone else for stating that all lives matter. The fact that you think it's "flat out du_mb to suggest that all lives matter" basically proves the point the Op was making. I'm honestly not sure why this is such a difficult concept for some to grasp.

 The only time anyone makes the argument that "black lives matter" = "only black lives matter" is when someone saying "all lives matter" is shouted down, demeaned, and chastised for it, which in turn gives the distinct appearance that those doing the shouting that, to them, no, all lives don't matter quite as much to us. Sorry, that's just the way it is.

 It seems that "Black lives matter" only when it involves alleged abuse by police officers against a black citizen.  We never hear that slogan when blacks kill other black, or blacks commit violent crimes against other blacks, or blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of crimes and ruining their lives, or blacks fail to stay in school, etc.  If blacks want society to take the "Black lives matter" slogan seriously, then they need to show they care about all situations.

 And my personal favorite:

If Trump will just say all lives matter he has my vote. I’m so sick of the PC sickness that has taken over politics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woefully obtuse and disingenuous. There has NEVER been a time in the history of this country that asserted that White people were not important and downright superior to anyone else. So, for you to say that the movement and slogan is putting down other races is just plain disingenuous. Never mind all the other, obvious prejudiced statements in this "piece," you have a lot of soul-searching to do. Going to pray for you but that's no guarantee you will ever be more than what you are. Sure, harp on one thing you don't like that Black people do. Whine and complain that your sensibilities are damaged because you wannabe first and foremost but ignore the hundreds of years of history of White oppression, murder and hatred not only here in North America, but in most other countries of brown people. They don't like you either all of this is why.