Look how bright and clean and shiny everything is! I’m still making the transition from The Moo Palace to The House of Snark, so please bear with me for a couple days while I get settled in.
My purpose here is to have some fun and to give a home to all ideas and differing opinions. Ok, maybe not all ideas and opinions, but most. Love me or hate me, I don’t care. Agree with me or don’t, it matters not. If you come armed with a thick skin and a large vocabulary, you’ll be fine. If you don’t have the latter, you'd better you have the former.
We will talk politics and life, humor and family, irony and inanities. Nothing is off limits. Ok some things will be off limits but I won’t know them till I see them.
I will steal your jokes and plagiarize your story. Ok, I guess it’s not stealing and plagiarizing if I give proper credit (which I do) and a link (whenever possible). But there are some amazingly entertaining writers out there and I am not above pilfering them as I see fit.
I will never, EVER censor a comment. Unless, of course, you’re a tardo. And by tardo I mean a regular reader of the Little Green Footballs site. You people left a bad taste in my mouth three years ago and I have not forgotten. A few of you are still lurking around. Perhaps you have learned how to express yourselves a little better than bathroom wall graffiti. If so, bring it on. If not, well, play at your own peril….
Well that’s about it. Posting will be light for a couple days while I get my feet wet and get some work (for which I actually get paid) out of the way. Once we get going around here, it should be a blast! Thanks for stopping by!
Hey, you're back. I've missed you all these years. Had I started a weblog before you disappeared from the ether net?
Come see us. A few things have changed. You'll love Miko.
CAIT!!!! How are ya girl? I believe you were thinking about starting a place back about the same time I left.
I just closed the Moo Palace today, I really needed a change. So glad to see you again, I'll come check out your place!
I never saw your other place until now but I hope you do better here
Hey Argon, glad you dropped by to say hey! I can't wait till I can jump in with both feet!
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