Joe Franklin, before the Opra Era, was the longest running talk show on TV. The show ran 40 years and was titled "Your Memory Lane." And I know it's almost unbelievable, but it was an archaic time when "Spears" were sharp sticks they threw on "Ramar of the Jungle" and a "Play Station" was a side show at Coney Island. Jeez, maybe we better "proof" people before we let them in here. lol
And Melody! Welcome! My guilt is overwhelming and parallels the incredible, but absolutely true, saga of trying to get some coherent comments to you. After the few failed attempts which you know about, the last couple were too unbelievable to even attempt to explain. But know that you're here I hope we can start again. This Blog, just to fill you in a little, is an attempt at something a litle different than the billions out there. While serious topics are allowed, in order to post here you will have to pass the "L.L.T." or better known as the "Laugh Litmus Test." If, by the third sentence, you haven't had to push away from the keyboard in order to wipe the screen clean of involuntary, flying droplets of nasal moisture, you will be sent to the dreaded "R.R.R.B.S."...for the benifit of those few Pre-Java types that might be out there, that's, of course, "The Remedial Re-Education Rotunda of Basic Snarkdom"......but you knew that. A quick update, there's a new member of the Shooter Clan, "Cheyenne," the most beautiful 3 month old Doby (flown in from Ohio) you could imagine. ......More later.
But for now, as they say "baby needs a new pair of shoes." And this time they're gonna be "store bought." I'm so excited!
I think the pic is of Kara Henderson from CNN which is appropriate for a news bulletin.
It is just me but I found it funny that I was the only that was on topic in the comment for the last post. Maybe that's why she made this an open thread?
Glad you made it MsMelody, I hope you enjoy it here. Isn't that what the bureaucracies always do? By changing the name they think they're changing the problem. George Carlin has a whole riff about that in one of his routines.
I don't know about Shooter since being coherent doesn't seem to be his particular forte *wink*
1. Cait, no that’s not me. I’ll have to take Argons’ word for it that she’s a real newscaster.
2. Welcome Ms. Mel! That is also my daughter’s name, we just call her Mel. "Experiencing low food security"??? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. If you made that classification up, then it’s very funny and clever. If you didn’t, well I just can’t believe you didn’t. That’s not what they’re actually calling people with no food…is it? Pleeease tell me you’re making that up!
3. Shooter. Shooter, Shooter, Shooter... I can already tell I’m going to need more coffee to keep up with you.
4. Argon, yes you would be correct. You ARE the only one who managed to stay on topic in the post below. And yes, I think an open thread does help in that respect so I think I’ll keep one on every page. You must forgive those of us with A.D.D., sometimes it’s very easy to get distracted and to go off sub...oooh look, a butterfly!
It's really great having you back in touch Melody. And I know that this winter when the wind and snow is whipping, we'll spend a lot of time swapping poochie poems to keep warm...for both the body and the soul. But right now I have to respond to my friend, Argon.
You're right, Argon. Sometimes I do talk a little spacey, but never forget, and Moo, correct me if I'm wrong, eveything said by me has to be viewed through the unique (patent-pending) "5th dimensional Snarko-O-Lens." Otherwise we're just another chat room. And I hope this is the only disclaimer I ever to state here and that is: I have infinite respect for everone and anyone participating on this site. If I didn't I wouldn't feel free to "let it rip." The "incoherent" tome I wrote to you was a love letter to your genuineness and intellect. But just in case I stepped over a line, I'll talk a little slower and more coherently.
What I was trying to say was: The interplanetary carbazole spectroscopy is obviously a derivative of the quintet of emissive benzophenones. When bi-radical reactions are linked to hydrogen abstractions, any grade school student knows the triplet mechanism is short lived and the diporphyrin triad reacts with the mesaporous silica and the magnetic resonance reverts to the electroluminescent parameter and cognition is the result. In other words, Paris Hilton is really Pee Wee Herman.
Clear enough for you?
By the way we were thinking of requiring Mensa membership to post here but we thought that would be a little tough. So we set up an alternate site, kind of like a stepping stone or half way house before qualifying for Mensa. We call is "Densa."
p.s. from the bottom of my heart, please, please remember the name our founder put on this blog.
Shooter, just when I thought my head would explode, you bring it all home with Paris Hilton is really Pee Wee Herman!
And qualifying for Densa? OMG I think we need to make that a requirement around here! Actually, I think it already is. I hereby crown you the President and founding father of Densa!
By the way, do you still have the dobie with ears?
Just havin a little fun, Moo. You know, sharpening up the old incisors for the battles ahead.
And my sweet little Zena was whisked away by my former "room mate." She was the only asset "Ex" listed on the papers. Now my only asset is my favorite fork. And I'll kill to keep it !
Hey Argon, I thought you guys like that sort of thing!
And Shooter, you remind me of the Steve Martin movie "The Jerk".
"All I need is this fork...this fork and this lamp, that’s all I need. This fork, this lamp...and that book. That’s all I need..."
Hysterical movie. Retarded, but very funny!
And I’m behind in the mail dept. Clint’s been cracking the whip, making me work, like I don’t have anything BETTER to do! Checking the mail now, I’ll get back to you in the AM.
Well if there isn't a topic then what is Moo putting the effort into? *wink* and if she goes to the trouble of bring a subject up in the post, shouldn't we at least put some pretense of responding to it?
Yes guys like that kind of activity but isn't it us that's supposed to be poking with pointy things? *wicked grin* and the downside she was mentioning was the death part since I'd rather be able to keep on poking right?
Hey Argon, as long as she's not telling you to fork off, then you're ok! And the “pretense of responding” cracked me up! As for this thread, there is no subject. That’s the whole point of an open thread, anything goes.
But I have to admit I’m with Cait on this one. I’m often the one responsible for making the thread take a U-turn. U-turns usually happen because we start responding to each other’s comments, which can take you away from the original subject. This irritates the snot out of some people, I just don’t happen to be one of them.
However, if we’re all talking about the president, and someone comes in and say “How ‘bout them Dodgers?”, his comment will most likely simply be ignored and we’d continue rambling.
Oh, yeah, up at 4 a. m. Well, you were too. Lately, I've been waking up at 3:30 a. m. every morning. I'm wide awake. I get up and putter around, usually till about 5:30 or so, then go back to bed for a while. It's very annoying. I figure it's just a phase, and I'll get over it soon.
Yes, it did appear that I was stalking you around the comments last night.
I'm usually up at that hour. I've always been a night person. I simply function better after dark. Luckily I only need about 7 hours of sleep so even though I'm up all night, I don't sleep all day.
Is that really a picture of you?
Joe Franklin, before the Opra Era, was the longest running talk show on TV. The show ran 40 years and was titled "Your Memory Lane." And I know it's almost unbelievable, but it was an archaic time when "Spears" were sharp sticks they threw on "Ramar of the Jungle" and a "Play Station" was a side show at Coney Island. Jeez, maybe we better "proof" people before we let them in here. lol
And Melody! Welcome! My guilt is overwhelming and parallels the incredible, but absolutely true, saga of trying to get some coherent comments to you. After the few failed attempts which you know about, the last couple were too unbelievable to even attempt to explain. But know that you're here I hope we can start again.
This Blog, just to fill you in a little, is an attempt at something a litle different than the billions out there. While serious topics are allowed, in order to post here you will have to pass the "L.L.T." or better known as the "Laugh Litmus Test." If, by the third sentence, you haven't had to push away from the keyboard in order to wipe the screen clean of involuntary, flying droplets of nasal moisture, you will be sent to the dreaded "R.R.R.B.S."...for the benifit of those few Pre-Java types that might be out there, that's, of course, "The Remedial Re-Education Rotunda of Basic Snarkdom"......but you knew that.
A quick update, there's a new member of the Shooter Clan, "Cheyenne," the most beautiful 3 month old Doby (flown in from Ohio) you could imagine. ......More later.
But for now, as they say "baby needs a new pair of shoes." And this time they're gonna be "store bought." I'm so excited!
Later y'all......
I think the pic is of Kara Henderson from CNN which is appropriate for a news bulletin.
It is just me but I found it funny that I was the only that was on topic in the comment for the last post. Maybe that's why she made this an open thread?
Glad you made it MsMelody, I hope you enjoy it here. Isn't that what the bureaucracies always do? By changing the name they think they're changing the problem. George Carlin has a whole riff about that in one of his routines.
I don't know about Shooter since being coherent doesn't seem to be his particular forte *wink*
1. Cait, no that’s not me. I’ll have to take Argons’ word for it that she’s a real newscaster.
2. Welcome Ms. Mel! That is also my daughter’s name, we just call her Mel. "Experiencing low food security"??? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. If you made that classification up, then it’s very funny and clever. If you didn’t, well I just can’t believe you didn’t. That’s not what they’re actually calling people with no food…is it? Pleeease tell me you’re making that up!
3. Shooter. Shooter, Shooter, Shooter... I can already tell I’m going to need more coffee to keep up with you.
4. Argon, yes you would be correct. You ARE the only one who managed to stay on topic in the post below. And yes, I think an open thread does help in that respect so I think I’ll keep one on every page. You must forgive those of us with A.D.D., sometimes it’s very easy to get distracted and to go off sub...oooh look, a butterfly!
It's really great having you back in touch Melody. And I know that this winter when the wind and snow is whipping, we'll spend a lot of time swapping poochie poems to keep warm...for both the body and the soul.
But right now I have to respond to my friend, Argon.
You're right, Argon. Sometimes I do talk a little spacey, but never forget, and Moo, correct me if I'm wrong, eveything said by me has to be viewed through the unique (patent-pending) "5th dimensional Snarko-O-Lens." Otherwise we're just another chat room. And I hope this is the only disclaimer I ever to state here and that is: I have infinite respect for everone and anyone participating on this site. If I didn't I wouldn't feel free to "let it rip." The "incoherent" tome I wrote to you was a love letter to your genuineness and intellect. But just in case I stepped over a line, I'll talk a little slower and more coherently.
What I was trying to say was: The interplanetary carbazole spectroscopy is obviously a derivative of the quintet of emissive benzophenones. When bi-radical reactions are linked to hydrogen abstractions, any grade school student knows the triplet mechanism is short lived and the diporphyrin triad reacts with the mesaporous silica and the magnetic resonance reverts to the electroluminescent parameter and cognition is the result. In other words, Paris Hilton is really Pee Wee Herman.
Clear enough for you?
By the way we were thinking of requiring Mensa membership to post here but we thought that would be a little tough. So we set up an alternate site, kind of like a stepping stone or half way house before qualifying for Mensa. We call is "Densa."
p.s. from the bottom of my heart, please, please remember the name our founder put on this blog.
Shooter, just when I thought my head would explode, you bring it all home with Paris Hilton is really Pee Wee Herman!
And qualifying for Densa? OMG I think we need to make that a requirement around here! Actually, I think it already is. I hereby crown you the President and founding father of Densa!
By the way, do you still have the dobie with ears?
Just havin a little fun, Moo. You know, sharpening up the old incisors for the battles ahead.
And my sweet little Zena was whisked away by my former "room mate." She was the only asset "Ex" listed on the papers. Now my only asset is my favorite fork. And I'll kill to keep it !
read your mail
As my wife just said this afternoon "You wouldn't want me to fork you to death now would you?" *wicked grin*
Shooter, whatever you're on, I need some of that, me (as my Cajun friends would say).
There was a topic? We're supposed to stay on it? What an absurd idea.
Hey Argon, I thought you guys like that sort of thing!
And Shooter, you remind me of the Steve Martin movie "The Jerk".
"All I need is this fork...this fork and this lamp, that’s all I need. This fork, this lamp...and that book. That’s all I need..."
Hysterical movie. Retarded, but very funny!
And I’m behind in the mail dept. Clint’s been cracking the whip, making me work, like I don’t have anything BETTER to do! Checking the mail now, I’ll get back to you in the AM.
Cait!!! What are you doing up at this hour???
Well if there isn't a topic then what is Moo putting the effort into? *wink* and if she goes to the trouble of bring a subject up in the post, shouldn't we at least put some pretense of responding to it?
Yes guys like that kind of activity but isn't it us that's supposed to be poking with pointy things? *wicked grin* and the downside she was mentioning was the death part since I'd rather be able to keep on poking right?
Hey Argon, as long as she's not telling you to fork off, then you're ok! And the “pretense of responding” cracked me up! As for this thread, there is no subject. That’s the whole point of an open thread, anything goes.
But I have to admit I’m with Cait on this one. I’m often the one responsible for making the thread take a U-turn. U-turns usually happen because we start responding to each other’s comments, which can take you away from the original subject. This irritates the snot out of some people, I just don’t happen to be one of them.
However, if we’re all talking about the president, and someone comes in and say “How ‘bout them Dodgers?”, his comment will most likely simply be ignored and we’d continue rambling.
Now, where was I?
Oh, yeah, up at 4 a. m. Well, you were too. Lately, I've been waking up at 3:30 a. m. every morning. I'm wide awake. I get up and putter around, usually till about 5:30 or so, then go back to bed for a while. It's very annoying. I figure it's just a phase, and I'll get over it soon.
Yes, it did appear that I was stalking you around the comments last night.
I'm usually up at that hour. I've always been a night person. I simply function better after dark. Luckily I only need about 7 hours of sleep so even though I'm up all night, I don't sleep all day.
Now, how 'bout them Dodgers...
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