Friday, December 29, 2006

Don't let the door hit ya!

Saddam is to be executed in an hour, 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central time. Won't he be surprised when he reaches his destination?



Argon said...

I personally think that he wasn't tried enough since he had a lot more crimes than he was convicted of. But it's hard to sentence him to death more than once.

It doesn't do all that much for his karma since that will take a lot more with the tainted circumstances of his trial and his defiant attitude. Maybe in his next few hundred lives he'll get the hint.

The way it's been handled is a lot like in the Godfather movies as a former enforcer for the family gets sacrificed as a patsy to throw suspicion off. Pretty much like Manuel Noriega was when Bush Sr. wanted to take the Panama Canal back.

Speaking of staged photo ops, I'm wondering if they will play the tape of his execution at the halftime of the SuperBowl like Cheney wanted

Anonymous said...

"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord" .......But I'm sure the Lord deputized his disciple, the Born Again ne'er-do-well, idiot Inheritor, and signer of more death sentence certificates than any American official in history, special dispensation. Texas appeals laws, so stunning in their unbelievable, inexplicable, unfairness, have sent countless innocent people to their deaths. A quick, simple review of some of the cases would make any sane person walk away in dreadful disbelief. The last hope for a railroaded defendant was the Governor. It might as well have been Saddam Hussein. Karla Fay Tucker, certainly and admitadly guilty, seemed to have gone through profound changes during her many years on death row. Enough so as to have gained world wide support, Democrat and Republican, religious and secular, world leaders and ordinary citizens, begged the Governor to commute the death sentence to life without parole. Running for President, The Deranged Decider, human failure, draft dodger, and Momma's boy, erection in hand, wasn't content in simply denying the appeal. As countless credible insiders have reported, he regaled the Neanderthals that comprised his inner circle with mocking portrayals of Karla Fay's last personal appeal. "pwease, pwease don't kill me. I be good girl. I pwomise, sir." Even his most hardened Goebbles and Himmlers walked away speechless at his lack of humanity and piss-in-your face hypocritical Christian values.

And this is the spoiled brat man-child who finally got what he wanted tonite. At a cost of thousands of America's best, killed and maimed, upwards of half a million innocent Iraqui men, women, and children, anhialated, and a six year reign of terror that has left our beautiful democratic experiment hated and isolated in the world community.

Maybe he can strut and swagger his little bow legs for Laura tonite...........and wack-off chanting "I got'em".

Somehow I don't feel like celebrating.

Kansas said...

If this makes Bush's numbers go up, I'm getting an AK47 and going on a rampage.

Argon said...

I doubt it will affect his approval ratings since it's waay too late. If it had happened 2 years ago maybe, but it doesn't seem to be very relevant anymore.

Anonymous said...

MooBaby, can you make Lynne Cheney #1? please..please

(note to secret service, metaphorically speaking, of course)

Kansas said...

Shooter, you know you want her...

(metaphorically speaking, of course)

Kansas said...

And if I did start with her, it would be because her husband is standing beside her (STILL metaphorically speaking, of course).

We are SOOO going to get a knock on our door...

Anonymous said...

O.K then,,,,scratch the cannon. How about we put her on a podium, in a stadium, filled with inner city parents, armed with tomatoes and cabbages (the non-lethal type, but spoiled and smelly is o.k) and force her to explain how she and her husband amassed a fortune estimated at 56 million, on a Congressman's salary. Of course she would have to pause after every sentence to get the "vote" from the audience.

Kansas said...

OMG if she’s going to be on a podium, I must be armed with the biggest vegetables. She’s such a hateful cow. Just like her husband, evil to the core.