Friday, December 08, 2006

What a maroon...

Ok, this guy is an asshat. His name is Jimmy Wright and he claims to be an artist. He’s crucified Santa to make a point about the commercialization of Christmas. It’s in his front yard and of course it’s upsetting the neighborhood parents and kiddies alike.

Authorities have said they have no power to compel Wright to remove the crucified Santa, as it is on Wright's private property.

When asked about his motives, Wright had this to say;

“Santa represents frivolous consumption. That's all he is. He shot Jesus right out of the saddle. He's the focus of Christmas. I don't know how it came into my mind but I thought 'I'm going to take Santa Claus and I'm going to crucify him'”.

He also had this to say;

"It's a funny feeling when I'm sitting in my hot tub, looking out this way, and I'm trying to make a statement to everybody to slow down on what they can consume, and I'm in a 6,400-square-foot home”.

Now I’m all for freaking out the neighbor kids. And if you want to hang Santa by his snowballs to make a statement, go right ahead. But this guy is a giant, raging hypocrite looking for attention. He’s sitting in his hot tub, in his 6,400 square foot home, looking at his "message" to the world about consumerism and the commercialization of Christmas, and telling us we should slow down on our consumption.

Sooo, I wanted to find out just what kind of “artist” this guy fancies himself. I did. And now his “message” makes a lot more sense. He needs attention. And from what I can see, he needs a lot more attention than a crucified Santa is going to bring him.

Here’s a snippet of the
bio on his website:

“I’m an artist, but I’m more than that. My job is to paint stuff that people are gonna buy.” We may talk about artistic integrity and the sufferings of the creative individual, but we live in a market-driven economy. Art is just a product.”

Your job is to paint stuff that people are going to buy? You mean stuff like frivolous consumers might buy for Christmas? So you want people to buy stuff, as long as it's lining your pockets?

What a hypocritical hack.

And this is all he paints. That’s it. Polar bears. And they all look exactly like this one. He’s mastered the upside down “U”.

Oh yeah, he paints a buffalo too. They all look like this.

He is very proud of both the polar bear and buffalo. This picture goes for $8,000

Actually, I like both the polar bears and the buffalo. I'm just not crazy about the artist. Perhaps in the future, when Mr. Wright feels the need to make such a public statement, he'll make sure that he's not guilty of engaging in the very thing he's protesting.


Anonymous said...

Me? If I was drivin down the street, enjoying all the wondrous decorations adorning all those homes, and came upon "The Santa," I'd do a double take, then laugh like hell.
I guess it's all in your perspective.
You know me, Moo. "Judge not, L'est ye be judged."

Kansas said...

I didn’t have a problem with it either, until I read his bio.