Sunday, December 31, 2006

My New Years resolution is to try to be less disrespectful (stop laughing and play along). So with this last post of 2006, I've decided to go out on a high note.

Enjoy, and have a great New Years!


sage said...

I love the one of Betty Ford thinking "and they called my husband an idiot."

Have a happy New Year!

Kansas said...

Happy New Year to you too, Sage!

Karen said...

Those are great. Loved 'em. Please, do NOT be any less disrespectful in 2007. I come here for disrespectful. It's the American way.

Argon said...

Great use of Paint Shop Pro, you should do more like that

Kansas said...

Actually, Argon, I’m a Photoshop girl. I have PSP but rarely use it simply because I know my way around Photoshop. But I do have so much fun putting my own captions on photos, and these pics of Cheney were just too good to pass up. He makes it so easy!

And Cait, I’ve been trying for years to be less disrespectful, with little results!

Argon said...

Oh well it looked to me like you used the preset shapes that PSP has to make the thought balloons. I use both they each have some great features on their own and they are similar enough to each other that its easy to learn one from the other.

Like Jon Stewart and Lewis Black were saying, you can't make this stuff up and the way the headlines read it puts comedians out of a job because what is left for them to say?

Kansas said...

I have some PS thought bubble shapes. The hard part was making them big enough so the letters could be read, but not so big that they covered too much of the pics. I had to add some border around some of them to add some extra room.