Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"He'll be standing in front of a woman who's holding a hammer..."

I absolutely looked forward to Bush’s State of the Union speech last night. Not because of anything the Tard-in-Chief was going to say, but because of the choreography that always goes on at one of these speeches.

To stand or not to stand; to clap or not to clap; and if you do clap, how long do you clap and how enthusiastically? Do you hang on his every word with enraptured attention, or do you stare off into space to show your contemptuous disapproval? Every movement is planned out well ahead of time.


It’s like a class of 10-year-olds at recess. But it’s also a way to publicly display your opinion of the president’s policies. It’s the political hokey pokey, and the Washington Post breaks it down perfectly:

Cheney and Pelosi Do the Two-Party Two-Step


Karen said...

Please tell me you watched the Dem response. Most rivetting speech of the evening. I was very impressed with Sen. Webb. I want to know more about him. He may be the 2008 dark horse of the Dems, the one all can agree on without disrupting the entire party.

Kansas said...

Yes I certainly watched Webb. I got annoyed that he blathered on about his family’s war record, until the husband explained that he did this on purpose, to show that yes, you can absolutely be a good American, you can be totally supportive of the troops, and still be dead against the war in Iraq. For some reason, I didn’t pick up on this. Totally cool that his dad’s a vet, he’s a vet, his son is in Iraq, and he’s still against the war.

Did you catch the part about Webb tearing up the speech that the Dems. had prepared for him and then wrote his own? I didn’t realize they were allowed to do that. I thought whoever gave the response to the SOTU address pretty much had to go with a collaborative response.

I need to find a copy of it somewhere and re-read it. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Webb threw his hat in the ring before it’s all over.

Karen said...

Yes, I had heard the newsheads say that he went his own way on the speech. He's a fabulous speaker, isn't he? The newsblabbers also said he had spend most of his professional life as a writer. It showed. I miss eloquent speaking. Dirksen, Adlai Stevenson, Kennedy, they were wonderful speakers. So was Lloyd Bentsen.

I did understand that he talked about his war record to establish his credentials. I think that was important. It's also a contrast to the Shrub.

Kansas said...

Being a Boy Scout would be in contrast to the Shrub. Webb apparently has written some novels based on his time in Vietnam, although I don’t believe they’re about the war.

Don’t you remember Macaca trying to smear Webb just days before the election by saying that he wrote porn because of some of the weird customs in Bangkok he wrote about? He was sooo desperate.

Porn accusations turn up heat

Grrr, just makes me want to smack Macaca all over again. What a Republican. I bet it really burnt his toast that Webb won anyway.

Karen said...

If I was named "Macaca" I'd be mad too.