Sunday, January 14, 2007

"Honey, have you seen the dog?


Raymi Lauren said...

seriously fuck off hay hair.

Kansas said...

Awww, look at Raymi, making friends all over the Internet. Seriously, you kiss your mother with that mouth? All I meant was, punctuation is nothing to be afraid of. It tells the reader where one of your brilliant thoughts begin, and another one ends. I was just trying to let you know that it’s difficult for the readers unfortunate enough to stumble upon your site to grasp a 5 paragraph-long sentence. Punctuation can be your friend. For instance:

“Seriously. Fuck off, hay hair!”

See how much more intelligent that sounds with the correct punctuation? And while I realize that grammar is obviously not at the top of the list of the mountain of issues you’re trying to deal with, it would certainly be one of the easiest of your issues to correct.

The next would be surgically removing that opossum from your head.

Have a lovely day, child. Tell your mom I said hello.

Jane said...

Puncuation, is, not; necessary to, take, ugly pictures: of, yourself!

Kansas said...

LOL I knew you'd weigh in...

OMG she IS taking a picture of herself. I thought she was flipping me off so I didn’t bother looking any closer. Wow, so sad when the only person willing to take naked pictures of you is you.

Murf said...

*deletes file full of self-portraits*

Jane said...

I think you could have given her more practical advice, i.e., how to hold her tequila so that the next time someone throws a drink on her it won't be her own "barfed-up shot" and/or how to locate a public bathroom facility so she doesn't have to pee in an alley. I'm just glad you didn't mention the "cap key" or she may have really gone off.

Kansas said...

I didn’t mention the cap key because most of her paragraph-long sentences are in all caps anyway, so she’s literally screaming her poor grammar skills. And really, all I said was, “Punctuation, get some, girl!” That’s it.

I probably shouldn’t have said anything though. Her third grade writing ability is the least of her problems. Her mother also has a blog linked from her site, and it’s obvious the drunken loser doesn’t fall far from the barstool. She makes Mothra look like Carol Brady. So the girl has issues. I probably shouldn’t have poked the bear. At least I didn’t say anything about her hat!

Kansas said...

LMAO @ Murf. I said NAKED pictures!

Kansas said...

And just for the record, she monitors her comments, and as such, didn’t even let my comment be posted, so it’s not like I caused her any public humiliation. Not that a comment on punctuation could cause her any further humiliation than she’s caused herself with her last post. Good grief, is there no shame left in the world?

“I got in a bar fight and threw up my tequila and peed in an alley…aren’t I cool?” Poor pathetic thing…I feel bad now.

Jane said...

I thought you WERE talking about her hat when you suggested having the opposum surgically removed.

Kansas said...

I was, but I didn't say anything about her opposum hat when I left her the comment.

Karen said...

Apparently I arrived here in the middle of something. This is one of those batches of comments that make very little sense to me, as I seem to have missed somewhere a whole series of items that are referenced here and I have no idea what it is to which you are referring. That seems to happen to me a lot. It could be the cough medicine.

Fuck off hay hair

Well, not exactly poetic. I like cursing that really makes the cursee wonder what was just said. Elaborate, Elizabethan sort of cursing. Like these

Thou churlish hedge-born lout!
Thou bootless dread-bolted rabbit-sucker!
Thou quailing iron-witted flap-dragon!
Thou spongy onion-eyed whey-face!
Thou greasy pox-marked moldwarp!

There are lots of Elizabethan curse generators on the web, fortunately.

Jane said...

Dread-bolted rabbit sucker... and bootless no less. lol Moo, we've got to get some cough medicine!

Murf said...

That's what I meant too. :-)

Kansas said...

OMG I can’t breathe, Cait! You haven’t missed a thing, dear girl. Late last night I happened across The Sweet and Charming Raymi’s website. I simple left a one-line comment on one of the posts that said, “Punctuation, get some, girl!”

I would not suggest you go there lest you need a tetanus shot, just suffice it to say that you can’t find a comma or a period anywhere, which makes it a very difficult read. Ok, so it’s ONE of the things that makes her site a difficult read.

She moderates, so the comment was never posted.

This morning I awaken to all that is the lovely Raymi. Fuck off hay hair. That was her best shot. And according to her latest post this morning, she had to roll out of a drunken, vomit-laden fog to muster that. One can only imagine the vitriol we would have been treated to had I told her what I thought about her hat.

I think her picture speaks for itself. And the thing that really cooks my chili is that she ruined my perfectly funny dog post with her drivil. I suppose I could have just deleted it, but damn, it’s not every day I get called hay hair.

So Cait, you really must tell us what brand of cough medicine you’re on. Thanks to you and your Elizabethan insult generator, I have to squeegee my monitor!

Karen said...

I took a look at the blog. Even the cough syrup wasn't enough to make that sensible. Or, perhaps she has had a lot more cough syrup or other mind-altering substance than I have. The blog is very James Joyce, but with no literary merit whatsoever.

Kansas said...

I'm thinking cough syrup wasn't her drug of choice...

Argon said...

Funny how I read this right after the post about the HeavenNose and TrainWrecks Blog Wars at Doc's blog.

I suppose having a lot of comments and popularity is a two-edged sword if it also attracts the refuse. You begin to wonder about the price for it and if it is worth it.

The trouble is that people take their emotional baggage wherever they go so, their is no escape from those kind of attitudes.