Before I could even finish the post below, this story now has a life of it’s own thanks to Matt Drudge and Fox News. Drudge has now linked to the video below. After reading the entire interview and hearing Biden’s explanation, I no longer believe Biden was making a racist comment about Obama when he said:
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Taken in context of the entire interview and the fact that he was being questioned about Obama, Clinton, and Edwards, I truly don’t believe Biden meant what Drudge and Fox news are making it out to be. Biden is not an idiot. This is just another case of “Obama is Muslim”, much ado about nothing. Expect this a lot in the next year and a half from Drudge and Fox. If they can keep us on the offense, then nobody is talking about the real issues at hand, particularly, how the Republicans have flocked up this entire country.
Biden Responds to Obama Comment
Obama and his staff have frozen out FoX News. a lot of people, Including the DLC and DCCC have regarded this a potenially fatal mistake. However, I think it will stregthen his cause. Why try to appeal to people who already hate you? (fox news watchers) Besides, Faux News is not really accessible to most--it's a premium cable channel. America's working poor are still trying to ajust the wire hanger outside of their trailer to get a signal.
I saw Biden explain it when he was on The Daily Show and I think if he has a few more sessions with the makeup gal to practice that he'll be better prepared with the kind of tact he needs
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lol @ hangar outside the window.
Confucius say, “Better to live in the trailer park of truth than the penthouse of lies…”
...or was that Jerry Springer?
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